Beyond The Doors WWC is a ministry that involves equipping followers of Christ with sound theology and doctrine and encouraging them to go out and fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). We hope to equip the body of believers to go out and boldly yet lovingly give the gospel message to the lost.
While equipping believers to give the gospel one-on-one in their everyday life, we also have planned events where a group of church goers attend a community event in order to hand out tracts, open-air preach and give the gift of the gospel to as many people as possible.
Pastor Kevin makes videos showing how to witness to others, how to bring up spiritual conversation, and how to give an account of the hope that is in you.
Pastor Steve makes videos about going deeper into the Word of God, unleashing theology and doctrine so believers can be sound in their faith.
These videos are made first and foremost to glorify God, second to get the gospel message further into the world, and third to encourage and edify Christ's church.
If you would like to follow Kevin and Steve on their personal journey of evangelism and discipleship, or just want further encouragement and enrichment in the Word, follow their YouTube channel @BeyondtheDoorsWWC
Next Planned Event
Furniture Move
Jan. 18 at 9:00 am
Latest Witnessing Video
Pastor Kevin has a conversation with a Roman Catholic about Salvation, Baptism and the contradictions between God's word and man's word in the Roman Catholic Faith
Fair Booth 2024
Every year during the Wyandot County Fair our church secures a booth in one of the merchant buildings. Our primary goal is to share the gospel message with everyone willing to stop and talk. We hand out tracts with free popcorn and have many other tracts and books available for people to take. We also advertise our youth groups in the booth. Here is a video showing some conversations that occurred in our booth this year.